Lafourche Chamber of Commerce Fall Golf Classic
The Lafourche Chamber of Commerce will host their Fall Golf Classic on Monday, October 28, 2019
The Lafourche Chamber of Commerce is a membership driven, nonprofit organization of businesses and professionals who work together to strengthen the business climate and the quality of life of Lafourche Parish, Grand Isle and the Bayou Region.
The Chamber was formed in July 1994, as a result of the merger of the Central Lafourche and South Lafourche Chambers of Commerce. This united entity represents a simple, but great area. Lafourche Parish, also known as “The Longest Street in the World”, connects the communities of Thibodaux, Raceland, Mathews, Lockport, Larose, Cut Off, Galliano, Golden Meadow, Leeville and Port Fourchon. But the organization’s representation does not stop there. The Chamber also represents the small town of Grand Isle. The Chamber serves as a catalyst to organize and direct the energies of those who believe that a community worth living in is a community worth investing in to make it better.
Mission: To serve as a professional leader in the growth of Lafourche by promoting businesses and providing resources which support the common interests of the community.
Time: Registration/Lunch beginning @ 11:30 AM
Shotgun Tee-Time @ 12:30 PM
Cost: $600/team *Other sponsorship opportunities available
Reservations are required. Please register for event at: http://www.lafourchechamber.com/2019-fall-golf-classic/